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Sales Playbooks Don't Work - Here's why:

A good playbook is only as good as whether it's useable by the team.  Traditional sales playbooks, often lengthy and underutilized, tend to be more decorative than functional. The shift to creating practical, user-friendly job aids can revolutionize how sales teams access and apply key information. These aids should be concise, visually accessible, and easy to use, resembling a big flashcard rather than a dense book. By simplifying and highlighting essential aspects of the sales process, these tools can significantly enhance adoption and effectiveness in the field.  Bonus points when they have ETRAs. (Easy To Remember Acronyms).

The Pitch
In the fast-paced world of sales, traditional playbooks often end up unused, gathering dust on a shelf or lost in a shared drive. The solution lies in replacing these bulky documents with succinct, practical job aids. These aids should be designed as one-page checklists with large, readable fonts, focusing on the key elements of the sales play. They should function more like a quick-reference guide than a comprehensive manual, providing sales reps with immediate, actionable reminders.

1-Page, Big Font, Checklist Format
Effective job aids distill complex processes into simple, actionable steps. They should be limited to one page for quick reference, using a font size of 24 points or larger for easy readability. The format should be a checklist, providing clear, concise steps or key points, that sales reps can refer to at a glance. This approach ensures that the information is accessible and digestible, even in the midst of a busy sales day.

Trained on How to Use
Training on how to effectively use these job aids is crucial. Sales reps should understand not only the content of the aid but also how and when to apply it. This training can be incorporated into regular sales meetings or training sessions, ensuring that the team is comfortable and familiar with these tools.

Think Big Flashcard
The concept of a big flashcard is an excellent metaphor for these job aids. Like flashcards used in learning, these aids should provide key information in a format that's easy to absorb and recall. They should be visually engaging and designed to highlight the most critical information, aiding in retention and application.

Simplify Key Parts of the Sales Play
The goal of these job aids is to simplify and make accessible the key parts of the sales play. By distilling complex strategies into essential, bite-sized pieces, sales reps can more easily remember and apply these tactics in their interactions with clients.

So What?
Replacing traditional playbooks with well-designed job aids can lead to increased adoption and more effective application of sales strategies. These aids should be simple, clear, and focused on the most crucial aspects of the sales process, serving as quick-reference tools that sales reps can easily utilize in their daily activities.

Next Steps
✅ Develop concise, one-page job aids for key sales strategies.
✅ Use large, readable fonts and a checklist format.
✅ Train your team on how to effectively use these aids.
✅ Focus on simplifying and highlighting essential information.

Closed Won!
Innovative tools like practical job aids can transform the effectiveness of your sales team. What strategies have you found effective in making sales information more accessible and actionable for your team? Share your experiences and insights in the comments below.

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