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Can't Get to the Decision Maker?

Getting access to the DM or decision maker is crucial but can really mess up your deal if not done right.  Often, sales managers find themselves in a delicate situation where they need to advance the sale without upsetting their current contact. It's a balancing act between maintaining a good relationship with the contact and fulfilling the responsibility to engage with the decision-maker. Here is some thoughts on how to do it right..

The Pitch Are you talking to the Decision Maker? This question is a familiar dilemma for many sales managers. The key is to approach this situation tactfully. According to a report by Gartner, 77% of B2B buyers stated that their latest purchase was very complex or difficult. Navigating to the decision maker is a critical part of simplifying this complexity. Using precise language is essential. Phrases like "Who besides you, is involved in this decision?" and "Can we meet with them to find out what their thoughts are?" are strategic yet respectful ways to broaden your conversation to include key decision-makers.

  • Who Besides You, is Involved in This Decision? This question is non-confrontational and shows respect for your contact's role in the decision-making process. It subtly implies that while your contact is important, there are other key players whose input is valuable. This approach not only helps in identifying the decision maker but also keeps your contact involved, maintaining a sense of their importance in the process.

  • Can We Meet with Them to Find Out What Their Thoughts Are? Asking to meet other decision-makers directly can be tricky, but framing it as a quest for their thoughts or opinions is a softer approach. It demonstrates your interest in understanding all perspectives, which is crucial in complex B2B sales. This question also positions you as someone who values comprehensive insights, making it more likely for your contact to facilitate such a meeting.

So What? Successfully reaching the decision maker is a crucial step in closing B2B sales. By using tactful and strategic language, you can navigate through the layers of an organization without alienating your initial contact. This approach not only helps in advancing the sale but also strengthens your relationship with your contact by showing respect for their position. Remember, it's about building relationships at every level of the organization. By doing so, you're not just closing a sale; you're establishing a foundation for future business and referrals, moving from a sales manager to a trusted sales leader.

Next Steps
✅ Use inclusive language.
✅ Respect the role your contact has.
✅ Trade something they want for access to the DM.
✅ Build relationships at every level.

Closed Won!
Navigating to the decision maker is a delicate but essential part of the sales process. How do you approach this situation in your sales interactions? What strategies have you found effective? Share your experiences and tips below. Let's collaborate to refine our approaches and help each other become the sales leaders we aspire to be. Leave a comment or question below, let's help each other, and our reps move those deals to "Closed Won!"

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